School News

The Interest in a Real Estate Career Moves into High Gear.

- May 22, 2014      Archive

Comparing the interest in a real estate career in Florida from January through April of 2013 to the same time frame in 2014, there has been a substantial increase in student enrollments.

Here are the numbers of students taking the Florida exam for the first time in the first four months in 2013 and 2014.

January 2013: 1,184
January 2014: 1,960

February 2013: 1,194
February 2014: 1,942

March 2013: 1,146
March 2014: 1,998

April 2013: 1,724
April 2014: 2,124

Difference: 2,776
This is a 53% increase of first time sales associates state exam takers from 2013 to 2014

Out of all the students that took the state exam in the first four months of this year, all certainly will not be successful, but for those who obtained a license, remember that perseverance is one of the keys to success and that passing the exam is just the first step in that process.

It is really nice to see people feeling good about a real estate career again. A real estate career offers so much for those folks that are looking to grow their wealth and control their future.

A lot of agents left the real estate business over recent years but real estate agents who have persevered in business for years, survived because they have developed a strong customer base.

Even as one nears the retirement age, one can still communicate with their customers and generate commissions, maybe not at the rate one use to, but enough to generate dollars and enjoy communicating with many of their customers and clients they had developed over the years.

A real estate career gives one a wonderful opportunity for many years.

Frank Cooke